Website check

I‘ve just spent some time over the last few days correcting a lot of lost links. I think they all work now. Please let me know if you come across anything that doesn’t work. Don’t forget you can click on the photos to make them bigger coz I’m dead proud of some of them. Having trolled through so many old posts I am most proud of my photos of the barn owl eating a vole. You can see this on the BIRD page by clicking Barn Owl, believe it or not! Then the photos of Morcombe Bay at Arnside and Silverdale too. You can see these on the places page. And I’d forgotten how many different birds I’d had at my garden feeders over the years. Recently I seem to only have house sparrows, dunnocks, blackbirds and pigeons. Oh sorry, robins, great tits, blue tits, coal tits and squirrels too.

Enjoy a look around and please comment.