Covid 19/Lockdown

So here we are at the end of week 7 of lockdown.   I have quite enjoyed it in a funny sort of way, but Im one of the lucky ones with a house and a front and back garden, a husband who is my best friend and a dog who is also my best friend!  Its been lovely and quiet.  The airport is silent, even though it’s not normally intrusive for us, it is noticeable that there are no flights in or out of Leeds Bradford airport.  So I’ve done loads of gardening and loads of online shopping!  I’ve walked, cycled, read, cleaned and completed lots of jobs that needed doing but i just never got around to them.

Above are some of the most peaceful scenes I’ve come across whilst out on my bike.  The top one is looking over to the airport which is just full of parked up planes.  The second is of a deer I saw whilst cycling through the Harewood estate.  Next looking across newly ploughed fields where the Red Kites circled above. A mother with her foal, more horses and beyond the silent airport.  Ending with a map of my ride that day.  


Theres so much beauty all around from the bluebells in Adel church, to the deer beyond my bike and on the path at Harewood to the gorgeous blossom on the trees.  The lock down has given me more “down” time to appreciate these things.

It could just be something as simple as a blackbird taking a dip on my patio or the thousands of tadpoles we get in our pond every year.  (Where do they all go?)

Or the mighty beautiful awe inspiring trees that I pass under on my local walks.

And then theres the wildlife – mainly birds…..but that’s for another post.