So let me explain. My previous scooter was a Vespa Primavera 125cc and I named her Hilda after my Mum who helped pay for her. She’d be horrified – it was with money she left me when she passed away. I was happy enough with it, but I’d had a few spills on it, so it was scratched in a few places and I’d always thought I’d upgrade it to the above. Then some scum went and stole it whilst it was parked in Bramhope – I mean Bramhope of all places!!!!! A posh rather quiet place. I was doing some research for a History of Bramhope blog (watch this space) when I parked Hilda Mark 1 outside the church on the road, left it for no more than 15 minutes whilst I took some photos and when I got back it was gone! Its such a weird feeling……you actually question if you actually did leave it there or if it had rolled away!
This was Hilda 1.
Anyway after the palaver of contacting police and many phone calls and form fillings for insurance I eventually got paid out. However the insurance company greatly undervalued the bike and after I questioned this, they upped the pay out by £300. I hate insurance companies. Anyway, the scum did me a favour, even though I’m out of pocket because of the excess of £300.
Anyway, was out of the blocks pretty fast and found this one online in a dealer in Nottingham. Ive never bought anything without seeing it in the flesh, but with covid there was no choice and the dealer was fab. So would highly recommend Midland Scooter Centre. They had it delivered within a few days, serviced and taxed. And its a belter.
Only problem is with me…….I’m such a short arse…..5ft 3″ and found the seat too high. It had quite a raised area at the front. So managed to find a guy in Bradford who does custom motorbike seats and £40 later its perfect, I can now get my foot flat on the ground. Would highly recommend Tony Archer. So here’s a before and after photo.
Had a great ride out on her today. bit of a blast along the ring road and Harrogate road – fantastic views down Wharfedale to Almscliffe Crag at the top of Harewood hill. Love my open face helmet – new bike, new helmet, had to be done. Did get a bit chilly, but much better than sneezing in a full face one!
I miss Veronica, my trusty Virago 535 but feel happier handling the Vespa now.