A few weeks ago I had the chance to go down to Rutland Water with a friend to see the Ospreys that had returned to breed in Manton Bay. Click on the link if you’d like to learn more.
There’s a road bridge at the Manton Bay end which gives you an even better view of the osprey nest than the hide in the nature reserve does. This is where we stopped as we didn’t have many hours to spare.
We were lucky we saw what we think was two females and a male. There was a female in the nest and one in the trees nearby. The male “seemed” to be having his way with both females. Here is a video of him mating with the female in the tree – you will only know this because I’m telling you, as it is taken from a long way away.
Did you spot them??
This next video shows the male in flight, eventually landing in the tree near to the female. Be patient as it takes me a while to find the osprey in the sky!! LOL.
It was a thrill to witness this! (How sad am I?)