Just could not resist that title for my post!! This Greater Spotted Woodpecker was enticed onto my nut feeders earlier in the week. I was really pleased as I had been watching it through my binoculars on the trees at the back of my garden. However, I soon realised that this one was not the same one I had been watching. It lacked the red spot on the nape of its neck and the red underneath its tail feathers was not quite as noticeable. On looking through my guide book I found out that this is a female! Brilliant! That means there are a pair in this vicinity. Probably nesting somewhere close—–wish I knew where.
Check out the differences.
Tag: bird feeders
Spring at the park and in the garden
Fantastic weather again-so glad I work part time. Busy day in the garden yesterday, tidying up and seeding lawn. Its very patchy and full of moss. Raking it left a huge pile of moss for the birds building their nests. Here’s half of my garden – it’s only small, with my summer house that I absolutely love and sit in as often as I can and watch the birds on my feeders. We actually jokingly call it my Wendy house! Does anyone know where that name came from for a child’s play house?
Here you can see some of the feeders I have.
And two of my very contented companion animals.
Walking my dog through the woods at Golden Acre park at the weekends is one of my most favourite activities. Watching Sparky hare through the trees after squirrels that he’ll never catch, seeing the birds and rabbits and the new growth as spring really gets going.
These photo’s all taken with my iphone. Pretty amazing piece of kit – I love it! Don’t love itunes though!!
Anyway, click on the thumbnails if you want to see the bigger version in all it’s glory.
I’m off now to have a blast on my motorbike. Kawasaki EN500