Today I found this  in the woods.  An explanation again from Secret Leeds 
Spackler wrote:
In 1861 the headmaster of Woodhouse Grove School agreed with Thornhill Trustees to lay a pipe from two springs in Calverley Wood so to supply pure water to the school. This agreement lasted 34 years. The small reservoir in the wood still remains.
This extract is from the wonderful ‘Guide to the Calverley Millennium Way’ which is available free in the area. I too had been trying to find out what this well/pond was after stumbling upon it. The little guide has loads on the history of the area and is a credit to those who produced it.
I have fallen in love with Calverley Woods.  A magical place where my Tolkienesque imagination abounds.  A wonderful playground for dogs and humans, with a interesting history. POWs, fireworks, quarries, stone circles and prehistoric markings.
Mighty trees arms stretched wide
Trunks gnarled and smooth
Leaves broad and small
Colours every hue of green and brown
Glades and copses
Paths that wind
Round and round
Up and down
Over roots and boulders
Tunnels of trees and bushes
Glisten in the sunlight and rain
A playground for the imagination.
Below is a small area of the woods.  Check out Secret Leeds for more fastinating history about the woods, including descriptions of the explosion at the fireworks factory from people around at the time.

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